New Approaches for Ending Sexual Harassment at Work

August 29, 2005 Michael Kaufman

Canada’s leading paper, The Globe and Mail, has featured my “Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light Program.” This is a new leadership program for managers to help them manage anti-harassment policy with confidence.

This full-day, half-day, or two-day program goes beyond traditional training that focuses on straightforward lists of the “red light” behaviours of what constitutes harassment. The key to the program, and to effective workplace leadership, is understanding the “yellow light” zone where managers must help staff learn to proceed with caution. This yellow light zone mirrors real life workplace realities. The program offers concrete tips for managers to intervene early and educationally to prevent harassment and to create a positive and productive work environment.

The program can be tailored for both managers and for all staff in both the public and private sectors.

For more information, visit or