Amidst national outrage at campus sexual violence, sexual harassment and rape culture, now you can effectively reach men. This booklet talks about communication, consent, and what guys really think, as opposed to what we often say to each other. It will help young men create good relationships and make sure that violence has no place in their lives. Serious yet entertaining, intelligent yet accessible, challenging yet fun.
- Print copies for orientation.
- Email to all students.
- Use as a reading for classes, fraternity pledges, athletes, residence staff, student leaders.
Although some of the language focuses on straight relationships, almost everything applies to all of us, regardless of our sexual orientation or gender identity.
Praise for Man Talk!
"This delightful read has the potential to be a key influence and game changer... It is evidence-based straight talk that provides concrete coaching on the how tos for healthy sexual/intimate relationships with women."—Rebecca Cline, Ohio Domestic Violence Network
"Man Talk uses the best kind of talk – honest, open, respectful – to call men to be the best kind of men: honest, open, respectful. If men take to heart its heartfelt message (always engaging and often humorous), the “good” sex they want will always be ethically good sex. A wonderful resource."—Harry Brod, University of Northern Iowa"
"Man Talk offers advice and provocations about sex, relationships, respect and staying safe. It has interesting, poignant, funny, blunt, and caring elements, just like real and meaningful conversations between friends should have."—Jason Laker, San José State University
"Man Talk is an easy and fun read that contains valuable information for all men - to ensure we have healthy relationships and to help our friends do the same. This is the kind of "man-talk" that all of us men need more of in our lives."—Alan Berkowitz, Sexual Violence Prevention Expert
By downloading any format of ManTalk, I acknowledge and agree that:
1. copyright of "ManTalk" belongs to Michael Kaufman.
2. I/We have permission to distribute ManTalk in printed or electronic form for free to students at my/our school, campus or community.
3. I/We may not alter the text or cartoons or layout in any way without written permission from Michael Kaufman.
4. ManTalk may not be sold.
4. It may not be distributed by an individual or organization that is running a fee-for-service program or service without written permission from the author.
Click these links to agree to the above and to download any or all versions of Mantalk:
- PDF of the e-edition for school-wide emailing or posting on a website.
- PDF formatted for photocopying.
- PDF formatted for a print shop that has an offset press. (This has printer registrations and bleed marks--ask your printer if they want this version.)
Optional Customization
For $3000, ManTalk can be customized to include:
- On the cover: the name, logo and/or mascot of your college, university, or institution
- Messages from your student leaders, athletes, etc.
- Campus and local information about services and resources
To order customization, please write: mk@ michaelkaufman.com