The Afghan Vampires Book Club
In the 25th year of the US-Afghan War, two hundred US soldiers are massacred. Amongst the growing number of discarded veterans, rumours circulate that one soldier made it out alive. When British journalist John Fox finally tracks down Captain Tanner Jackson, he hears an astonishing tale of violence, cover-ups and revenge--but also of enduring love. Part anti-war fable, part pageturning dystopian adventure, The Afghan Vampires Book Club will reshape your understanding of what endless war inflicts, not only on the men and women who become soldiers, but on us all.
"A riveting story of love and war. A marriage of American Sniper and Heart of Darkness. I read it straight through in one sitting." ― Jane Fonda
The Possibility of Dreaming on a Night Without Stars
One man, a high school teacher, looking for the perfect woman, picks up a crazy old hitchhiker who claims he’s recently seen Marilyn Monroe in a farmhouse in Ohio. Thus sets off a summer-long search that takes Eli down a road of yearning, elation, hopefulness, and ultimately, an almost delirious rush towards self discovery.
Originally published by Viking/Penguin, this is a new, revised edition for Kindle, iPad/iBook, Kobo, Nook, etc. or to read on an eBook reader on your computer.
“[A] wise and touching debut…pellucid scenes of lovemaking…a landscape evoked with assurance and palpable intimacy.” The Globe and Mail “Excellent page-turning story-telling.” Star Phoenix


Amidst national outrage at campus sexual violence, sexual harassment and rape culture, now you can effectively reach men. This booklet talks about communication, consent, and what guys really think, as opposed to what we often say to each other. It will help young men create good relationships and make sure that violence has no place in their lives. Serious yet entertaining, intelligent yet accessible, challenging yet fun.
"This delightful read has the potential to be a key influence and game changer... It is evidence-based straight talk that provides concrete coaching on the how tos for healthy sexual/intimate relationships with women."—Rebecca Cline, Ohio Domestic Violence Network“ Man Talk uses the best kind of talk – honest, open, respectful – to call men to be the best kind of men: honest, open, respectful. A wonderful resource.”—Harry Brod, University of Northern Iowa "Interesting, poignant, funny, blunt, and caring.” — Jason Laker, San José State University
Download ManTalk in formats for electronic distribution, photocopying, and printing »

"A relevant, inclusive, funny, and straight-to-the-point explanation of how and why feminism improves life for the male half of the world, too." Gloria Steinem
By Michael Kaufman and Michael Kimmel
Called the "funniest, hippest, most indispensable book you will ever read about the F-word," it goes from A to Z to help men get a deeper understanding of feminism, what it means for us as men, how feminism is going to change our lives for the better—and why we should support it even if it didn't.
Cracking the Armour
Power, Pain and the Lives of Men
Now a free download! (First published by Viking Press, 1993 & Penguin 1994)
Michael’s popular book on the complex factors that shape the lives of men and boys, in particular, the strange combination of power and pain. It looks at the ways we raise boys to be men, men’s sexualities, the riddle of pornography, men’s violence, relations among men, and relations with women. (Viking hardcover, 1993, Penguin paperback,1994)
"This rare book – honest, thoughtful, compassionate – brilliantly exposes the contradiction at the heart of our definitions of masculinity …. At once personal and political, plain-spoken and eloquent. A revelation.”—Michael Kimmel

Theorizing Masculinities
Edited by Harry Brod & Michael Kaufman. Sage Publications, 1994.
A wide range of original articles by the editors and by R.W. Connell, Michael Kimmel, Scott Coltrane, Don Conway-Long, Jeff Hearn, David Collinson, David Morgan, Mairtin Macan Ghaill, Pierrette Hondagneau-Sotelo, Michael Messner, David Gutterman, Arthur Flannigan-Saint-Aubin.
Available at academic bookstores and at:
Beyond Patriarchy
Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power, and Change
Oxford University Press, 1987
Michael’s first book on men and masculinity collected a number of original articles that looked at a wide range of issues, from the construction of masculinity, to the origins of patriarchy, male sexualities, and men at work, in sports, in film, in advertising, and in literature.
Used copies available through:

Hombres: Placer, Poder y Cambio
Santo Domingo: CIPAF, 1989
A Spanish translation of two of Michael’s articles with a new introduction.
Community Power & Grassroots Democracy: The Transformation of Social Life
Edited by Michael Kaufman & Haroldo Dilla, Zed Books and IDRC, 1997
Popular participation, local democracy and grassroots organizing have become watchwords not only for social movements the world over but even for official development agencies. In refreshing contrast to the tendency to skate over the internal divisions and stratification that characterise all communities, this book asks the hard questions - about the power of central bureaucracies, the lack of local skills and organizational experience, the impact of national and transnational structures, and social divisions. Not only does the reader learn an immense amount about the limits as well as potential of community initiatives in the South, but the new social movements approach is skillfully married with resource mobilization theory to develop a more nuanced and inclusive theoretical paradigm. This can help us to understand and advance community-based forms of popular power in all their rich variety as one part of the solution to the development crisis.
New and used copies available through:

Jamaica Under Manley: Dilemmas of Socialism & Democracy
Zed Books (UK), Between the Lines (Canada), Lawrence Hill (US),1985
The 1970s were a turbulent period in Jamaica as the government of Michael Manley set out on a course of radical reform to bring greater social justice through the parliamentary system. This in-depth and critical look at the political, social, and cultural upheavals of that era are set within a deeper analysis of the socio-economic structures of Jamaican society.
Before his death, Michael Manley himself wrote, “It is well worth reading.” Professor James Petras said, “For all scholars and activists interested in the issues of socialism and democracy, this is a major contribution.”